GNAT Press Release

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The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) Headquarters has in recent times been inundated with requests from teachers (members) for donation towards the payment for treatment of cancer related diseases, either for themselves or their dependants.
These Cancer cases include Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Prostrate Cancer and many others.
We have two cases of GNAT members before us, who are suffering from mouth and throat cancer. The total cost of treatment is put at Fifty-eight Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH¢58,000.00) only. Many more enquires are coming since the formal launch of this collaboration.
The amount GNAT donates is (GH¢100,000.00) nowhere near the costs involved in treating these cancers. It was realized that many of our members have one case or other of cancer and are not able to come out as a result of the cost involved in treatment. This disease consists of a long term process of management and treatment unlike basic ailment such as malaria, diarrhea, tooth ache etc.
The growing threats, of our members and their dependants succumbing to these cancers, set the management and Executives thinking of what to do to combat this threat whilst being of service to members.
It, therefore, came as a God-Sent intervention when Sweden-Ghana Cancer Foundation (SGCF) was introduced to GNAT, and stimulated the idea of contributing to the Foundation to build up funds which would cater for the treatment of Cancers of GNAT members, by the Sweden- Ghana Medical Centre (SGMC).
This idea was floated around and discussed by the National Executives of GNAT, Staff of GNAT and also at Regional Councils and District Delegates Conferences. The question to be asked is.
The GNAT is required to contribute a sum of One hundred thousand Ghana Cedis (GH¢100,000.00) only every month to the Sweden-Ghana Cancer Foundation for a period of one year. This amount it should be noted is less than one Ghana Cedi (GH¢1.00) per month for a GNAT member, based on the premise of 150,000 members.
A GNAT member and one dependant or relation who has a case of cancer is required to visit the Sweden-Ghana Medical Centre (at Ashalley-Botwe in Accra) for treatment. The medical centre ((SGMC) would then forward the cost of treatment to the Sweden Ghana Cancer Foundation for payment to be made on behalf of the member or dependant.
The GNAT member would not pay for the treatment. Notwithstanding the total cost of treatment to the many members who would report to the Sweden Ghana Medical Centre for treatment, the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) would not be required to pay in any other monies apart from the contribution of one hundred thousand Ghana Cedis (GH¢100,000.00) only monthly payment.
Those who have been afflicted or have had their relatives/dependants afflicted by Cancer or have read about cancer treatment know how costly cancer treatment is and would say “Halleluiah” to this arrangement.
The Sweden-Ghana Medical Centre would provide treatment for over twenty types of cancer among which are, Head, Neck, Breast, Lung, Prostate, Anal, Rectal, Cervix, Pancreas etc.
A member will also be provided with services for screening to detect Breast, cervical and Prostate Cancers.
This screening, however, is optional and will be at a reduced cost of one hundred Ghana Cedis (GH¢100.00) only per person per body part screened. This amount would be paid by the individual visiting the medical centre. The treatment however is free.
A GNAT member who visits the Sweden Ghana Medical Centre would have to prove GNAT membership with an identification card, payslip and any other documents.
The GNAT leadership in its bid to fulfill one of GNAT’s aims i.e providing relevant Welfare Services to its members therefore went into agreement with the Sweden Ghana Cancer Foundation to make these monthly contributions to the Foundation to enable its members have fulfilling lives and concentrate on the provision of quality Education to the pupils, Students and Communities in Ghana.
It is our fervent belief that members who are afflicted and have not been able to go to care-givers because of the prohibitive costs involved in Cancer treatment would take advantage of the facility being provided as a result of the partnership between the Ghana National Association of Teachers(GNAT) and the Sweden Ghana Cancer Foundation (SGCF).
Kudos to the teacher from the Brong Ahafo Region, who four days after hearing of this facility has rushed to the Sweden Ghana Medical Centre for diagnosis and treatment.
May the good lord extend his healing touch to him and may more who would use this facility.
JUNE 2013