GNAT in the news

GNAT Donates To Needy Pupils

Source: The GNAT


As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, the Ghana National Association of Teachers, GNAT, has donated items to fifty (50)

needy pupils on 2nd October, 2023.


The pupils who were selected from Bosomdo D/A Primary School in the Shama District and Wuwuso D/A Primary School in

the Wassa Amenfi East District received items such as New School Attire(s), School Bags, Canvas Shoes, Pairs of Socks,

Writing materials, pens, pencils, belt among others.


Kweku Bosea D/A Primary School in the Bia District has also been selected to benefit from a construction of a two-classroom

pavilion to help accommodate the learners who are in a dilapidated structure. All the beneficiary schools have been selected

from the Western Region and Western-North Region which happens to be the host region of the 2023 Ghana Teacher Prize.

This gesture is an annual activity that GNAT undertakes in commemoration of the World Teachers' Day which is celebrated

on 5th October every year.


According to the National President of GNAT, Rev. Isaac Owusu, each of the two schools from which the fifty (50) pupils

were selected would receive packs of supplementary readers and simplified English for their schools' Libraries. Rev. Isaac Owusu

noted that the GNAT does this to inculcate in the children the culture of reading.


Present at the donation were the General Secretary of GNAT, Mr. Thomas Tanko Musah, National Officers of the Association,

Regional Executive, two District Directors of Education, teachers and pupils as well as other stakeholders. Receiving the items,

the pupils who were visibly excited about the donation expressed their appreciation to their teachers, thus the GNAT.